Dry Camping:
Dry camping available in the parking lot of the Civic Center. Choose from 1 or 2 nights from the dropdown menu below.
​**Campers/RVs ONLY. **NO TENTS

Dry Camping

If you're having trouble and need help please call or text Angy B. at 928-503-3646. Thank you.

Newcomer Donation

MACCNA XV On-line Registration:
Make your selection from the dropdown menu below.

MACCNA XV - Registration

Mail-in Registration:
To pay by cash, check, or money order please click the button below to print the registration flyer.

WHY DO WE REGISTER? Many convention participants ask the question: Why should I register? What do they do with the money?” The money collected from registration is used to pay for the hotel facilities we use during the convention and associated service expenses. Some of these expenses include rooms for meetings, banquets, coffee, dances, general supplies, printings, signs and tickets for special events.

POR QUE REGISTRARSE? Muchos participantes de la convencion hacen la pregunta: “¿Por que debo registrar yo? ¿Que hacen ellos con el dinero?” El dinero completo de lamatricula es utilizado para pagar por las facilidades del hotel que utilizamos durante la convencion y gastos asociados de servicio. Algundos deestos gastos incluyen cuartos para reuniones, los banquetes, el café, los bailes, suministros de general, las impresiones, los signos y los billetes para acontecimientos especiales.

Newcomer Donation:
​Choose $5, $10, $15, or $20 from dropdown menu.

Welcome to the MACCNA XV Registration page.
On-line registration is now open. Please note that our prices have increased some due to the increase we have incurred with the new location.
See you soon!!!!